Tuesday, November 14, 2017

"In 2017 the entire apparatus of the DC system is trying to use Alabama to defeat the existential risk that is Donald Trump."

At The Conservative Treehouse, Sundance explains,
In 2017 the entire apparatus of the DC system is trying to use Alabama to defeat the existential risk that is Donald Trump.

...The swamp is engaged, self-aware and the deep-state part is self-actuated now.

Example: NAFTA Round #5 (Mexico) begins this week: “lest trade disputes create friction with NAFTA-supporting Republican lawmakers.”

Example: “Republicans” control all Senate hearings:

Andrea Mitchell ✔@mitchellreports
For the first time in over 40 years - the Senate today examined a president's unchecked authority to launch a nuclear strike @NBCNightlyNews
4:39 PM - Nov 14, 2017
154 154 Replies 838 838 Retweets 2,914 2,914 likes

Example: Remember when the Senate voted unanimously to block President Trump from making recess appointments? That rule required “unanimity”, a single Republican senator could block the Senate from handcuffing President Trump. Not a single Republican broke ranks.

The professional political class in DC, the UniParty, is not confronting Steve Bannon though he’d probably like to make money off that outlook. The united political apparatus is confronting something far more consequential than the annoyance that Bannon represents; they are confronting the framework of ‘America First’.

That bigger dynamic is what’s adverse to their interests. Bannon is an annoying gnat.

When you accept that difference you are then prepared to ask yourself the question(s):

♦What would/will the professional apparatus do to protect their interests?

♦How far are they willing to go to oppose anything that appears adverse to those interests?
Read more here.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could be more optimistic. But our second civil war is upon us.
