Monday, October 23, 2017

Why won't Congress give immunity to Benghazi whistleblowers?

This morning at Ace of Spades, Ace writes about the FBI informant who was forced to sign a Non-Disclosure agreement and not tell what he knows about Russian bribery, Clinton Cash, and FBI corruption.
...The informant is being blocked from going public by a Non-Disclosure Agreement the Obama administration forced him to sign.

That may change, though. Charles Grassley has invited him to speak to the Senate Judiciary committee. A majority vote on that committee would produce a subpoena, which would trump any NDA (and presumably immunize him against any attempted action against him for breaching it).

The NDA may not even be legal, but I know a lot of Benghazi whistleblowers believe it is, and aren't willing to talk without that grant of congressional immunity. (Which, bizarrely, Congress won't give them.)
Read more here.

Let's see what some of Ace's commenters have to say.
And until I start to see construction of gallows on the front lawn of the WH, I will forever believe that this will go absolutely no where. Just some fancy sound bites for politicians. No charges ever filed.
Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at October 23, 2017 12:45 PM (jxbfJ)

...In Bill Clinton's defense, he spent all $500K on underaged Haitian Hookers.
Posted by: garrett at October 23, 2017 01:03 PM (M2zfP)

Once we finally get Hillary and her entourage, and Mueller/Comey and their entourage ... and about 150 members of congress and their subversives ... all in prison ... then with the obstructionists and their fog gone, we will (perhaps) learn the NY/DC elite have been pimping US and our military out to every oligarch and rogue state that ponies up the dollars ... or maybe they only take gold and free trips to pedophile island as payment.
Posted by: illiniwek at October 23, 2017 01:03 PM (/aIFg)

What difference, at this point, does it make?!//1/1!?!?!!?//1/1/?


Posted by: Hillary Clinton at October 23, 2017 01:05 PM (0mskG)

Looks like the hurricane recovery efforts here on Pedo Island have suddenly bogged down. I could be here for months. Maybe longer.
Posted by: Bill from Chappaqua at October 23, 2017 01:07 PM (O5Q3r)

I just keep praying for Hillary's repentance and conversion, and that she and Bill be held accountable for their actions.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at October 23, 2017 01:08 PM (iVOAv)

Never happen. Satan has their souls locked away in the glove compartment of his Prius.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon, survivor of GNAMM at October 23, 2017 01:12 PM (O848g)

OT but I still am mystified by the brain duo trying to perpetrate the PDT goes jerky boys on them with Gen Kelly listening in on the phone call
Based on the totally truthful telling by the widow and the congressbitch, the call went like this:

"hello...pls hold for the president."

"This is the president Donald Trump, many people say I am doing a great job, fabulous even. Not every one says that, some people are being very unfair, especially the fake news. Of course, I knew what I was signing up, there'd be fake news and people who were very scared that I'd drain the swamp....just like your husband what's his name knew what he was getting into. I'd say he's almost as big of a hero as me. But he knew what he was getting into...many many people would know that too and they, I'm just saying that some would say he got what he deserved."
Posted by: Witwickian Sage (muh IP code is at October 23, 2017 01:22 PM (RDd1I)

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