The evil power of the Southern Poverty Law Center once again surfaces. Are they in charge of deciding what our children learn in school? They brand groups as "hate groups," then liberal teachers cut and paste and teach our children to hate those groups! We have personal experience with it with our middle school daughter's teacher.
ABC and NBC uncritically repeated the propaganda of SPLC in calling Alliance Defending Freedom, a group that defends religious freedom, a hate group! Kristen Waggoner is a guest on Tucker's show and calls it journalistic malpractice, and ADF has demanded an apology and a retraction of the stories. SPLC makes millions of dollars in a direct mail marketing scam and puts those dollars in offshore accounts. Alliance Defending Freedom defends the rights of all Americans to speak freely and live consistent with their convictions. They have played a role in fifty Supreme Court victories since they began their ministry.
Who do you think are more inclusive, religious people or atheists?
Anti-police violence is on the increase.
Linda Sarsour is a Leftist feminist Muslim who wants Sharia law.
Nevada is running out of pot.
When was the last time LA hosted the Olympics?
A man got stuck in an ATM in a Corpus Christi bank.
Has the Republican Congress betrayed their political base?
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