CEOs have every right to be personally involved in politics. I’d actually encourage it. We should all be personally invested in the American political system. It’s healthy. No matter how liberal or conservative they might be, it's none of our business. If the founders Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream want to be liberal personally, I don't care. I certainly don't want them to resign for expressing their free speech in America.Read more here.
But does a CEO of a publicly-traded company have a right to involve his or her company in controversial political statements or actions?
Does a CEO have a right to involve shareholders, employees or customers in their radical politics?
CEO Jim Murren of MGM Resorts International has violated the trust of his MGM Board, shareholders, employees and customers. But not in a small way. In a “Vegas bigger-than-life way." Murren is so wildly wrong, so spectacularly reckless, so disastrously offensive to his customers, I believe it’s time for a shareholder revolt.
No CEO has a right to involve his company in controversial politics, let alone the funding of extreme and radical organizations. But Jim Murren wins the award for "Reckless CEO of the Century." Murren has just put MGM in bed with an organization with ties to Islamic terrorism.
Does MGM's Board approve of their CEO using company statements and shareholder money to offend 63 million Trump voters? How about every conservative in America? How about Christian customers? Families with children? How about anyone who is not a fan of Hamas or the Muslim Brotherhood?
Because I am certain millions of MGM customers will be shocked and offended when they find out who Jim Murren just tied his company to.
Murren announced in response to what he sees as the racism, bigotry, intolerance and violence seen at the Charlottesville disturbance, that MGM will donate company money (and match employee contributions) to a collection of extreme leftist civil rights, human rights, and Muslim advocacy groups. A strange and partisan decision to make with company funds and shareholder money.
Keep in mind that within days of Charlottesville, there was a radical Muslim terror attack in Barcelona...
and a Missouri Democrat State Senator publicly wished for the assassination of President Trump...
and there was a shocking attack on police in America- with 8 officers shot, 2 murdered in a 24-hour period...
and Chicago’s streets exploded with violence- in just the past two weekends since Charlottesville, 96 citizens were shot, 17 killed on the streets of 100% Democrat controlled Chicago.
None of those incidents troubled MGM CEO Jim Murren. Only Charlottesville mattered to him. He didn’t notice any of the racism, bigotry, extremism, violence, or threats to assassinate our president coming from the left.
Murren could have announced MGM donations to groups that combat terrorism; or groups that support the families of cops killed in the line of duty; or groups that support wounded warriors. And I would have applauded.
Instead Murren announced MGM company (and therefore) donations to extreme leftist groups, some backed by controversial radical Marxist George Soros.
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has been accused of “character assassination” by conservatives. SPLC lists many mainstream conservative groups as "Hate Groups." I'm sure millions of MGM customers support these groups.
SPLC lists Americans who have questioned or criticized radical Islam as “hate groups.” I'm sure millions of MGM customers would be offended by this. SPLC is so extreme they listed Dr. Ben Carson under “Hate Groups.”
Is this a group MGM’s Board or shareholders want to be tied to?
It gets much worse. Jim Murren is donating MGM shareholder money to CAIR. They were named by the Justice Dept. as “an unindicted co-conspirator to Muslim terrorism.”
The FBI produced charts showing CAIR was created to support the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas.
CAIR advises Muslims not to cooperate with the FBI. Many CAIR officials and associates have been convicted on jihad terror charges.
But don’t take my word for it. Liberal Democrat Senator Charles Shumer said, “CAIR has ties to terrorism and intimate links with Hamas.”
What CEO would tie his company to a group attached to Muslim terrorism? Any CEO would have to be blind, deaf, or dumb to go near CAIR. He’d have to know his controversial choices would offend, outrage or chase off millions of his customers by choosing groups so extreme.
Jim Murren has gone way too far. He’s off the deep end. And he’s put MGM’s Board, shareholders and employees in a terrible position because of his extreme, radical, reckless decisions.
If a conservative CEO can get be forced to resign for writing a measly $1000 personal check to a mainstream conservative charity...
What should happen to a liberal CEO who announces sending millions of dollars of shareholder money to radical extreme leftist organizations, including organizations tied to Muslim terrorism?
This blog is looking for wisdom, to have and to share. It is also looking for other rare character traits like good humor, courage, and honor. It is not an easy road, because all of us fall short. But God is love, forgiveness and grace. Those who believe in Him and repent of their sins have the promise of His Holy Spirit to guide us and show us the Way.
Thursday, October 05, 2017
Sending shareholders' money to organizations tied to terrorism
Excerpts from Wayne Allyn Root writing at Town Hall.
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