Friday, October 06, 2017

Love trumps hate

Guest post by Suzann Darnall

Not quite sure when it happened and maybe it has been here all along. But, it no longer hides in the shadows, along the crevices, and under the rocks. Hate has come out in full force and is overwhelming our society. We have a culture of hate that is festering like a plague across our nation and it is terrifying!

While I do not propose to go into the details of each devastating event we have witnessed over the past week, month, year, decade, etc., I do want to offer my humble opinion on what we might need to do to counteract this culture of hate which is growing in our communities like mold on stale bread.

One thing for sure, we cannot change the behavior of those around us, we can only change our behavior and hope our example encourages others to change as well. Then, even if others do not change, we have made a change within ourselves that will allow us to be better. Better is good. Good can become best. We can only be at our best when we turn from hate to love. We can start the healing process, for ourselves at the very least. We must simply partake of the cure.

What can cure hate? Nothing but love! Pure Christlike love. The faith, hope, and charity kind of love that Jesus taught. The biblical love of “one for another”. The golden rule love of “do unto others”. We simply must learn to love one another. Love each other as God love us.

Now, I know not everyone reading this is Christian. And, my apologies for not being 100% inclusive, but I am speaking from my experience and pray others will catch my message and “translate” it, if you will, into what has meaning for them.

Over the decades of my life, I have met people of other faiths and found that most of them cherish love and kindness as much as me. While I have known few agnostics or atheists, those I have known personally were good people. So, I do not think reaching for love, in this culture of hate, is beyond the majority of us who are decent people, no matter our personal beliefs.

Let’s face it though, the problem is that not ALL people are decent folks. There are among us those who sow the seeds of discontent and deceit with their every breath. Those who actions are destructive on a daily basis. And, it is unlikely we can turn their hearts from their path of devastation and darkness. But, we can turn our own hearts towards the light of love. We can move ourselves out of their shadow and spread the message of love like rays of sun across this great land. We can bring truth, light, and love to others.

If we can spread enough sunshine, we can help erase more of the shadows. Hate, like mold, grows in dark places. The pure love of Christ eliminates hate just like a UV bulb inside an air-conditioner unit kills and prevents mold. We need let our lights shine. We need to each lend our love to one another and become that shining beacon on the hill. The beacon that beckons all to join us in a culture of love. ‘Cause love trumps hate.


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