Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Lewd conduct in the California legislature, the Left is about power and status

Mark Steyn hosted Rush Limbaugh's show today. He said that yesterday Rush observed that the Left is imploding. Mark points out that as Chief Executive of the United States Donald Trump was correct in criticizing NFL players for refusing to stand for the national anthem. Hillary Clinton is over in England telling an audience that taking a knee is a reverent thing to do.

More than 140 women have come forward in California to denounce "pervasive sexual misconduct" by powerful men in the California legislature. That legislature is overwhelmingly Democrat. California recently announced it was now a sanctuary state. Mark asks, where's the sanctuary for these women?

Over and over Mark stresses the importance of understanding that the Left is about power.Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy, Mark Weinstein are their guys. They can be relied upon to support "a woman's right to choose" to kill her baby, so we'll choose the guy with his pants around his ankles over the guy who is pro-life. "You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs."

The Left is also about status. There is an elite on top and there are the peasants, with no middle class in between. Harvey Weinstein would not molest Michelle Obama or her daughter or Meryl Streep. No, he molested the actresses just starting out on their careers. Unless you are needed as a prop, you're just one of the extras in the crowd scene.

We live in a hypersexualized culture that these Leftists have brought about, and they work it to their advantage. Politicians know that if they get the support of cultural icons like rap stars, professional athletes, they will get the support of people who like those stars.

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