Friday, October 20, 2017

Left Out

Guest post
by Suzann Darnall

I have known for decades that the Left/Progressives/Democrats/Whatever were growing less and less tolerant of anyone and anything that did not fit their cookie cutter narrative of who and what everyone should be, but I really got smacked upside the head with some personal attacks this past week. At the same time I saw similar attacks directed at others who shared views similar to my own. Wow! Some of those on the other side, so to speak, are so bound by the tenets they follow that I am shocked they can get an adequate supply of oxygen while trying to breathe!

Not only was I called some foul names and had some coarse language directed at me, but I learned a whole lot more about how some of the intolerance is so very illogical. From the many attacks on me and others I discovered you are not allowed to have an opinion if you are:
Deemed to be too young
Deemed to be too old
A woman
A man
Perceived as white
Perceived as not non-white enough
Not poor enough
Too rich
Too educated
Not educated enough
And, the list seemingly goes on, but got a bit too vague to follow

And, by now, I am sure some of y’all are wondering what foul crime against humanity was committed by those of us targeted in these attacks. Well, we had the audacity to express our view that we were offended by professional athletic organizations, in particular players and coaches, choosing gametime as an opportunity to protest and lecture. A time when fans are waiting to be entertained. A time when we expect them to be doing their jobs. Being athletes and coaches, not social justice warriors.

None of us have a problem with players, athletes, or anyone expressing their opinions or even protesting. We just have a problem with the timing of the way they are choosing to do so. If fans are watching on television, the internet, or at the stadium, we are in one way or another PAYING to be entertained by an athletic event. We are not paying to be disrespected and lectured about politics, racism, social justice, inequality, police violence, past slavery, or whatever the protest is supposedly about for this month, week, or day.

While the sport team owners may “sign” the checks for players and coaches, it is the fans who pay the bills. We buy the licensed gear, subscribe for access to the games, pay for the tickets, or buy the advertisers’ products. Without the various ways the fans lay out the money that goes to support the organizations, there would be no funds for paying the players and coaches. So, is it really too much for fans to ask that we get what we are paying for? That we are entertained rather than lectured (by words or actions) when we tune in for sports?

Anyway, apparently fans who disagree with sports protests are amongst the most despicable of all humanity to walk the earth. We are beyond the pale when it comes to tolerance from the Left and those fighting for social justice. We’ve been left out of the listings for those allowed access to freedom of speech, thought, and action. You know, those freedoms we are demanded to give to the protesting athletes and others supporting their cause. Wow, Leftists, way to show your support of tolerance. Once again, tolerance is a limited item in your very narrow little worldview.


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