Saturday, October 07, 2017

"If you can't deliver entertainment to the masses, try selling religion to a cult."

Ace links to an intervew Hillary Clinton gave to someone from Ireland in which she admits to screaming into her pillow.

He also informs us that ratings for late-night clowns keep falling.
Robert Tracinzsky says that they might not be losing viewers because they've gotten too political, but rather, might have gotten too political because they've lost so many viewers.

I've speculated about this myself in the past -- if you're losing customers, one possibly play is to narrowcast just to a small subset of customers and make them as fanatically loyal as possible. If you can't deliver entertainment to the masses, try selling religion to a cult.

It's a smaller market, but prior cult leaders have proven that you can bleed a lot of cash and sexual favors out of cultists.
Read more here.

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