Monday, September 11, 2017

True Charity

Guest post
by Suzann Darnall

Yes, I am going to join in on the “bash the Red Cross party”, not having been a fan of the Red Cross for quite some time. So this last go ‘round of their stupidity and cupidity forces me to pile on!

A Red Cross volunteer in the past, I helped at the base hospital in the records department and also at my children’s elementary school. In fact, for a time, I was the chairperson in charge of volunteers for the school, so understand that Red Cross volunteers can do some good. However I truly think that has faded away as time has gone on. It is my belief that the organization and leadership have become a little too impressed with their own media reviews and think they are the miracle workers, when it is those who donate and those who truly do volunteer that are responsible for the good which takes place.

Seemingly the Red Cross has become a little too money-grubbing and not quite putting the big bucks where they are supposed to go. Which, in my opinion, is to those in need. Why is it that the Red Cross CEO makes an exorbitant six-figure salary, but less than one thin dime for every dollar collected actually goes for helping others???

Due to this most recent disaster and the arrogance of the Red Cross, I took some time to learn more about the history of the Red Cross. They have apparently always been a bit cheap when it comes to actually being charitable to those for whom the funds are donated. In World War II there were endless charity drives to give to the Red Cross. Give to help the boys in uniform. And, yet, after collecting money to help the military members, the Red Cross turned around and charged the soldiers and sailors for the donuts and coffee that the folks back home had already bought with their donations! Red Cross literally grabbing with both hands!!!

When a football player, a grocery store chain, churches, and everyday folks can provide help better and faster than a nationwide organization, maybe it is time for that organization to declare itself a disaster and fold up its tents. More importantly, maybe they should stop collecting ever more money and start spending what they’ve already got on those for whom it was donated!

The Red Cross is not a government entity, yet they try to act like one. They try to bully all those in disaster zones and often stop more relief than they provide. I am proud to see many have stood up to Red Cross representatives during Hurricane Harvey’s before, during, and after periods. It is my hope that all Americans remember we have the right to help one another and therefore do not need permission to offer faith, hope, charity, and perhaps a hot meal!!!


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