Tuesday, September 05, 2017

Today's DACA announcement

Ace of Spades gives us his view of today's DACA speech.
Jeff Sessions Announces DACA Will be Rescinded In Six Months -- To Give Congress a Chance to Pass a Legal DACA

Video of his announcement here.

He calls DACA unconstitutional and states it was a deliberate violation of the Constitution to use made-up powers of the presidency to do what Congress had explicitly refused to do.

However, giving Congress six months to change the law indicates -- as Trump himself has indicated a lot of times -- that he is himself willing to sign a DACA bill into law, thus amnestying and legalizing child illegals.

I have several problems with the latter. For one thing, legalizing the children also legalizes -- in practice, if not in law -- the adult illegals living in the country who have the children. The idea of deporting the adult parents while keeping the children in country seems so bizarre that not even the government would do it.

Another problem I've mentioned is this -- if you're going to offer a dovish proposal on child illegals, then at least make it part of a border security bill which funds the wall and defunds sanctuary cities. Don't just give it away for free -- the Democrats never do, after all. They always demand concessions for their priorities.

I predict that Congress will in fact not get around to any kind of border security bill, but will not have the stones to amnesty the child illegals permanently, so they'll pass a temporizing 2-year-limited-duration DACA bill, and then they'll simply renew that in perpetuity. But they'll sell it to the public on the phony idea that one day they'll actually do something permanent, and allow people to make up in their own minds what that permanent thing will be, whether a hawkish border security bill, or a dovish open borders bill.

BTW: An Obama lawyer who worked on DACA admits DACA would probably be struck down if Texas carried out its threat to challenge it in court -- that is, he admits it's probably unconstitutional.

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