Monday, September 18, 2017

Punishing eldercare workers in California

Caliph-fornia has done it again. Georgi Boorman reports in PJ Media,
State representatives elected by the special, especially tan snowflakes of the Golden State have just passed the nation’s first state laws governing pronoun usage.

SB 219, which passed the State Assembly on September 12 and has already passed the Senate, proposes to fine or jail employees of long-term or intermediate care facilities who repeatedly and willfully refuse to use a preferred gender pronoun.

...violating this item in the patient’s “bill of rights” for Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly would carry a fine of up to $1000 or a year in jail.

...Observers shouldn’t be shocked at this bill. California is merely adapting to the orthodoxy of the left a little faster than the rest of the country. Here, as with the case of Arlene’s Flowers in Washington and the mandate for abortion coverage in Oregon, we witness the rise of coercive rights. These aren’t the rights endowed by our Creator, since we have no Creator in this fiction we’ve contrived for ourselves. These are the rights we grant ourselves, that only exist in the context of another individual being forced to do something for us. In this case, it is forcing someone to either use pronouns that do not correspond to their intrinsic organic identity as male or female, or contrive their communication so as to refrain from using pronouns at all.

...It is an attack not just on freedom of speech, but on freedom of conscience and reality itself—and that is something every American should be zealous to protect.
Read more here.

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