Saturday, September 30, 2017

Is the FBI protecting itself from inquiry into unlawful conduct of the FBI?

At The Conservative Treehouse, Sundance reports,
the FBI is protecting itself from inquiry into unlawful conduct of the FBI.

...People often talk about ‘conflict of interest’ in matters of personal or organizational conduct when the investigative apparatus itself is a participating entity into the originating issue. However, the FBI refusing to allow investigative oversight into actions taken by the FBI takes ‘conflicted interest’ concerns into stratospheric levels.

...If the issue was simply a one-time request by the FBI to delay inquiry it might not hold the same level of consequence it does right now.

But when you combine this intentional action by Robert Mueller to block oversight into the potentially illegal action of a rogue agency with the previous actions within the DOJ as they relate to the IRS targeting, well, what you get is a stunning picture of a weaponized FBI apparatus attempting to avoid accountability.
Read much more here.

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