Monday, September 04, 2017

Guardians of the Deep State?

Roger L. Simon writes at PJ Media about the need for an investigation...of the FBI!
...two revelations regarding our Federal Bureau of Investigation that surfaced this week. In one instance, the FBI refused to turn over documents regarding the Hillary Clinton emails because of -- wait for it -- "lack of public interest."

...Now we learn that then FBI director James Comey may never have planned to find Clinton guilty in the first place.

...Something must be done and quickly. The latest revelations about Comey make the recusal of Mueller more urgent, but the overall situation is yet more severe. The FBI itself needs some form of investigation and reorganization. A true reform. Otherwise, a huge percentage of the country will continue to distrust it and that distrust, pending the results of the closely tied Mueller-Russia inquiry, will only continue to grow. That is untenable in a democratic republic.

Failing that, we might as well rename the FBI as the GDS -- the Guardians of the Deep State.
Read more here.

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