Sunday, August 27, 2017

"You're only competing against the person you were yesterday!"

James Altucher writes,
Take any area of your life. Improve it 1%.

That’s the “secret” of not failing.

If you don’t try to get healthier, you get sick as you age.

The creatives, the ones who practice, avoid the failure of the non-creatives.

It’s easy to try something. Decide if it makes you a better person or not. And then either continue or go back to “Creativity”.

Delegate the details if you have to. But the person who takes care of every detail will always beat the person who lets details slip.

Focus is not about doing one thing. It’s about doing many things that connect and combine in ways nobody ever thought of before.

Focus is about connecting the dots so that one vision emerges. get knowledge you need PLUS, EQUAL, MINUS: people to learn from, people to bounce ideas off of, people to teach so you can keep beginner’s mind and learn more.

If you don’t improve your relationships, you start serving their time in the prison of this lifetime instead of serving your own time.

...Shifting…reinventing myself…I have to do every day. It’s not one day. It’s not “This day!” It’s every day. Looking around. Reinvention is hidden in the cracks of every day life that most people ignore.

The person who is reinventing walks into a room and says, “what is weird about this?” The people who can’t reinvent tries to control every situation in life and asks, “why are things going wrong?”

The world is mentally ill. The wrong question to ask someone who is mentally ill is “why?”

Instead, shift and reinvent. Every day.
Read more here.

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