Saturday, August 26, 2017

More hate from the Southern Poverty Law Center

At PowerLine, John Hinderaker writes,
I suppose this is a dog-bites-man story, given the crazy politics of Silicon Valley. But the Associated Press reports that Apple’s CEO Tim Cook, a politically ignorant lefty, has pledged $2 million “to help lead the fight against the hate that fueled the violence in Virginia during a white-nationalist rally last weekend.”

So is Apple coming out against Antifa? Just kidding:

Cook also told Apple employees in the memo that he strongly disagrees with President Donald Trump’s attempts to draw comparisons between the actions of the white nationalists and protesters opposing them.

Like so many others, Cook misrepresents what President Trump has said. Maybe he did it intentionally, or maybe he was relying on pundits, including a number of conservatives, who have shamefully misrepresented Trump’s words. Trump said that white nationalists and violent Antifa thugs–not “protesters,” who Trump said were “fine people”–both bore responsibility for violence in Charlottesville. I don’t know how anyone who has seen the videos of those events can dispute the truth of that assertion.

Apple is giving $1 million apiece to Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League. It will also match employee donations to those two groups and other human rights organizations on a two-for-one basis.

As has been documented many times, the Southern Poverty Law Center is a left-wing hate group that has blood on its hands. [Update: Much more here and here.] I don’t know whether Cook shares SPLC’s hateful agenda, or whether he is just a naive stooge. Either way, Apple has aligned itself with some very bad actors. And either way, it is time to sell my Apple stock.

Here is a Muslim man from UK who is suing SPLC for defamation.

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