Friday, August 25, 2017

"How a protest inspires counter-protest that changes the nature of the original protest."

Are we seeing a confluence of Charlottesville and Kaepernick? That is a question Ann Althouse explored at her blog yesterday.
A new football season is about to begin, and it looks as though kneeling during the anthem will persist (even without Kaepernick), and the protest that was originally premised on police brutality and racial oppression gains momentum — cascades — by incorporating other subjects of protest, such as the problem of Civil War monuments. There's a confluence of Kaepernick and Charlottesville.

I'm trying to think of other times we've seen cascading like this. The "Free Speech" protests of the 60s cascaded into Vietnam War protests. More recently, here in Wisconsin, we saw the anti-Scott-Walker protests merge with Occupy Wisconsin and Black Lives Matter. But I'm especially interested in how a protest inspires counter-protest that changes the nature of the original protest.
Read more here.

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