Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Charlottesville, Durham, Antifa, Laura vs. Krauthammer, China

Laura makes the point that the media could care less about illegal immigration. Illegal immigrants are not going to take their jobs!

Victor Davis Hanson is a guest on the program. He refers to our "smug" generation, in which Antifa and Black Lives Matter can chant "Pigs in a blanket, Fry 'em!" Ruth Bader Ginsburg actually said abortion is good "because they usually abort the right people."

Who among us has not sinned? Martin Luther King was known to "be a little rough with women." Should that mean we should tear down all his statues? Cancel out all the good he did?

The founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a eugenicist who wanted non-white babies to be aborted. She created the idea of abortion on demand.

Laura vented a lot about Charles Krauthammer on today's program. He accused Laura of being a "cop out." Laura said she spoke up for the good people, not the white nationalists. The good people are sick of being tarred and feathered by the media for voting for Donald Trump, or for living in the south.

Does Trump deserve the condemnation he is receiving for his comments condemning both sides in the Charlottesville mess? NO!

The woman in Durham who climbed up the statue and tied the bungee cord around it is a communist. She is a member of Workers World, a communist organization.

Graham Allison is a military historian. He was Laura's last guest. Since Bill Clinton, we have had decades of presidents who have ineffectually tried to deal with North Korea and enriched China with our stupid trade policies that Trump is trying to reverse.

50,000 Americans died in the Korean War. Mr. Allison was an Assistant Defense Secretary at the Pentagon during the Clinton presidency, when North Korea had one bomb in one building. Defense Secretary Perry and all his top advisors wanted to bomb that building. Clinton said no.

What have we accomplished in Afghanistan in 16 years? McCain and McMaster want to escalate. China is happy to preside over a declining America. China has not fired a shot in Afghanistan, while we have lost thousands of lives and money.

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