Tuesday, August 22, 2017


At Ace of Spades, JJ Sefton shares his thoughts about Afghanistan.
The President made his first address in his capacity as commander-in-chief to the nation last night, specifically about the situation in Afghanistan. After eight years of complete cluster-f***ery under Dubya and then a further eight years of having the commander-in-chief aiding and abetting the enemy, frankly, I don't see the point of wasting any more American blood and treasure. The way you win wars is to inflict the most massive amount of pain, death, and destruction upon the enemy until he cries uncle. In this case, we are not necessarily dealing with a nation-state but an annihilationist ideology. To my way of thinking, you have to kill and kill massively, occupy territory, institute martial law, dismantle the mosques and madrases and "denazify" the country by controlling how Islam is practiced and preached and forcibly introduce Judeo-Christianity over a period of perhaps decades. Obviously, that ain't gonna happen.

While it cannot be denied that Afghanistan is a breeding ground and launch pad for Islamist terrorism, the wave of attacks we have witnessed in the West over the past several years were carried out by citizens and/or recent immigrants to the individual nations themselves. Us included. Still, there needs to be some sort of stability in that region. On the plus side, PDT is not going to micromanage the war and will let the generals do the fighting, hopefully with very loose rules of engagement. He also took aim at a huge terrorist enabler; Pakistan. And that has got to also be a shot at the Chi-Coms who are their biggest ally in the region. Still, the fact that very questionable people such as Lindsay Grahamaphrodite are in favor of this and that the plan was cooked up by H.R. McMustard, someone who is perhaps an Obama embed, I'm not exactly jumping for joy here. I hope PDT's instincts are right. His presidency is on the line as well as the lives of American soldiers in the field. G-d protect him.
Read more here.
What do you think?

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