Sunday, July 09, 2017

The will of the west to survive

Mark Steyn writes about Trump's Warsaw speech:
...The New York Times at least reported the story under the headline "Trump, in Poland, Asks if West Has the 'Will to Survive'".

That's the question - the one that matters. Angela Merkel won't ask it, nor M Macron or Mrs May or M Trudeau. But Donald Trump did - and then answered it:

PRESIDENT TRUMP: Just as Poland could not be broken, I declare today for the world to hear that the West will never, ever be broken. Our values will prevail. Our people will thrive. And our civilization will triumph. (Applause.)

AUDIENCE: Donald Trump! Donald Trump! Donald Trump!

PRESIDENT TRUMP: Thank you. So, together, let us all fight like the Poles — for family, for freedom, for country, and for God.

I am nowhere near as confident of that answer. But he raised the question at a time when no other western leader will. It is a measure of our decay and decadence that the question is necessary, but in an age of cultural relativism a statement of the obvious is daring and courageous: Ours is the civilization that built the modern world - as even the west's cultural relativists implicitly accept, if only because they have no desire to emigrate and try to make a living as a cultural relativist in Yemen or Niger. We built it, and, if we do not maintain it, and defend it, then, as Donald Trump says, it will never come again.
Read more here.

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