Friday, July 21, 2017

"Priebus was the bridge between Trump the disruptor and the swamp which wished not to be disrupted. The bridge is no longer necessary; commander Trump has decided to bring up artillery and level the fortress from the outside."

At The Conservative Treehouse, Sundance writes on the elevation of Scaramucci to be White House Communications Director.
Mr. Priebus was the bridge between Trump the disruptor and the swamp which wished not to be disrupted. The bridge is no longer necessary; commander Trump has decided to bring up artillery and level the fortress from the outside.

What value does Priebus now hold?


It’s a risky strategy because we are a nation containing a multitude of tribes. Some allies, and many voters will not like the aggressive nature of the confrontation necessary to achieve victory. Even more voters will not be able to stomach the most likely gore visible in the fight.
Read more here.

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