Laura Ingraham asked this morning, "Who needs Ringling Brothers; we've got the Jimmy show! That is a reference to Ringling Brothers circus going out of business, and today begins the Jim Comey testimony in the Senate. Laura plays amateur psychiatrist, wondering if perhaps Jim Comey has a need for attention from older people. He prosecuted Martha Stewart, investigated Hillary, and investigated Bill Clinton's pardon of Marc Rich.
Laura is convinced Comey is a drama queen who must always be at the center of pereived pressure. Laura's pal Raymond Arroyo does a dramatic reading of Comey's prepared opening statement.
Bill O'Reilly is a guest. O'Reilly believes it was a mistake for Trump to meet privately with Comey. He said he warned Trump about being careful about every interaction he has with anybody in his role as president. O'Reilly remembered that Andy Card was with George W. Bush all the time. O'Reilly believes Trump wanted the leaks investigated, but Comey was not interested. In fact, Trump's staff told him some of the leaks were coming from the FBI itself. That infuriated Trump.
O'Reilly plans litigation against the "Leftist cabal who attack sponsors and pay people to lie or protest." That should be interesting. His attorney is the same man who issued a statement today on Mr. Trump's behalf after Comey's testimony.
Andy McCarthy is also a guest on today's program.
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