Monday, May 22, 2017


Joel Pollak reports for Breitbart,
First Lady Melania Trump has won rave reviews from the foreign press — and even the American press — as she accompanies President Donald Trump on his first foreign trip.

More than her sartorial savvy, however, what was most impressive was the First Lady’s gesture of holding the hand of Israel’s First Lady, Nechama Rivlin, who carries an oxygen tank due to a respiratory illness. The image of the tall Mrs. Trump guiding the congenial but frail Mrs. Rivlin (above) went beyond normal diplomatic protocol and presented an image of kindness.

She also visited the Hadassah Medical Center Ein Kerem later in the day with Sara Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister’s wife. The hospital treats both Jews and Arabs, and features both Jewish and Arab staff.

The First Lady will be moving from New York to Washington, D.C. shortly, after the president’s youngest son, Barron Trump, completes his school year.
Read more here.

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