Sunday, April 09, 2017

Ann Coulter disappointed

Ann Coulter is not holding back in expressing her disagreement with our attack on the Syrian airfield. Here are a few of her tweets:
"What follows Assad? What followed Saddam? Gaddafi? 15 yrs, 6k lost heroes 500k massacred Chrstns $5 Trill--for what?

"We know what happens when strong men go and a vacuum of power is left. Even worse people take over."

She points out that this is not her first time to be disappointed in something Trump did:
How about the 27th time? Nikki Haley, Mattis, Kelly, Goldman Sachs, Pudzer, Obamcare Lite, no DACA repeal, no refugee slowdown,no Kobach..

Please show the autopsy photos of Dean Riopelle & Forrest Hayes to Trump, so we can get going on deportations.Ann Coulter added,
(In reply to this tweet:
The Associated PressVerified account @AP
Federal immigration officials deport California prostitute who gave a fatal heroin shot to a Google executive.

Summary of Sunday shows: People who will never, ever vote for Trump strongly approve of his bombing Asad for ISIS.

Urgent to "get rid of" Asad, who is zero threat to U.S., but still no rush on getting rid of criminal aliens actually killing Americans.
Read more here.

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