Friday, March 24, 2017

"We are getting single-payer. Conduct yourself accordingly."

At The Last Refuge, Sundance gives us some "final thoughts" on the failed healthcare reform.
All DC Republicans and all DC Democrats are the DC UniParty. The DC UniParty is fueled by special interest donor lobbying money. The DC UniParty created Obamacare and the DC UniParty wants ObamaCare to remain in place.

...In 2009 The U.S. Chamber of Commerce (Donohue), the AFL-CIO (Trumka), SEIU (Stern), AFSCME together with Wall Street, Big Pharma and Big Healthcare entered into negotiations with a massive White House team to create ObamaCare. wasn’t President Trump who wanted the Ryan Healthcare plan to fail, it was the UniParty – including Ryan himself. President Trump wanted the approach to succeed, the UniParty did not.

...ObamaCare will fail. ObamaCare was designed to fail. What follows the failure of ObamaCare is a single-payer system, again supported by the Big Government UniParty.

There was one shot at avoiding the single-payer conclusion. That shot was to actually pass the repeal and replace O-Care proposal previously designed by Dr. Tom Price.

...The UniParty republicans do not want ObamaCare repealed.

No repeal bill can pass because of this essential fact.

…The Republicans Do Not Want to Repeal ObamaCare!…

So if you have a plan for legislation to repeal ObamaCare that does not include Republicans or Democrats, your healthcare plan might succeed.

Otherwise it’s a unicorn fantasy.

We are getting single-payer.

Conduct yourselves accordingly.
Read more here.

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