Was Watergate a black op, too?Read more here.
...Item 1.
Deep Throat was unmasked to the public when he died about ten years ago, and he turned out to be one Mark Felt, Jr., J. Edgar Hoover's associate director of the FBI.
Felt was passed over for promotion to director of the FBI by President Nixon.
By the exalted moral standards of Washington, D.C., Mark Felt had plenty of reason to want to destroy President Nixon.
It was Mark Felt who met with Woodward and Bernstein to administer one dose of deadly poison after another to President Nixon, until Nixon was abandoned by the Republican Party and resigned from the office of president of the United States.
Woodward and Bernstein received undying fame for their intrepid shoe-leather reporting, but it was Mark Felt who mixed every dose of poison they bylined.
Item 2.
The editor-in-chief at the Washington Post during Watergate was Ben Bradlee, former CIA spook, with his own long list of reasons to hate Richard Nixon.
Felt and Bradlee were both "old Washington hands," as they called themselves, both members of the D.C. Leftist Establishment from the Stalin years on. They had years of experience running black ops against America's friends and foes. They knew exactly how it's done.
Woodward and Bernstein fronted for former spooks Bradlee and Felt, old comrades-in-arms, you might say.
The media might try to tell you they eventually told the truth, after Felt and Bradlee were good and dead.
The media have no shame, and only Twitter can contradict them today.
So you can believe our self-hyping media about Watergate. Or you can choose to think Watergate turned the whole Fakestream into a raging lynch mob, because Nixon had publicly exposed Eastern Establishment Stalinists in D.C. during the Truman years.
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Friday, March 31, 2017
Unmasking Deep Throat
At the American Thinker, James Lewis asks,
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