Wednesday, March 08, 2017

"I find much to love in my life and it brings me great joy. Why would I want to take a day off from all that I love and enjoy?"

Suzann Darnall writes today's guest post:

It is “International Women’s Day”. A day that many (so-called) Progressive women are using to bash men, family, President Trump, their jobs, our country, and just about anything else they can find to complain about. Hmmm . . . I haven’t seen much in their never-ending litany that is actually in praise of women or womanhood.

“International Women’s Day” was originally “International Working Women’s Day”. It was supposedly meant to commemorate the movement for women’s rights. Surprise, surprise, it was begun by the Socialist Party of America. It was predominantly celebrated in communist countries and by socialists until the United Nations adopted it in 1975. And, we all know how concerned the UN is with women’s rights, considering some of the completely inappropriate members they have sitting on various organizations that supposedly protect women throughout the world.

So, I suppose one should not be surprised that the color they chose for showing solidarity is red, the traditional color of socialism and communism. Nor, should it come as a shock that their way of celebrating a day about working women is to encourage women to NOT work.

Well, I am here to let them know that if I am wearing any red today it is ‘cause it is one of my most very favorite colors and I look good in it. I love red. Friends used to call me “lady in red” since I wore it so much. I adore the good ole’ red, white and blue of America, too.

I also want the Progressives to know that I WILL be working today. As I generally am working every day. Yes, even on the Lord’s Sabbath. ‘Cause let’s face it, there’s feeding gotta take place no matter what. I like to eat, my husband likes to eat, and my critters most certainly rely on me to feed them. Everyone around here gets fed at least twice a day and some eat three times or more. So, yes, I most emphatically have work to be done seven days a week. It is my job. I am a wife, homemaker, and “zookeeper” 24/7.

I am also a quilter several days a week ‘cause I have a small in-home business. So, I do not take a day off for some silly idea a group of dissatisfied Progressive women came up with that is supposed to make some idiotic statement about them demanding rights that they already have!

Not only do these women not speak for me, they do not speak for almost all the women I know. They are out there demanding rights we already have. Rights we are already exercising. Yet, they are encouraging women to not only not exercise their right to work, but are encouraging them to not support the schools that are there to educate the next generation, including girls and young women.

While I support the right of these Progressives to march and protest, I object to their trying to usurp my right to speak for myself. I do not need a celebrity spokesperson or a terroristic organization trying to cow me, my government, and my country into surrendering to their socialist demands. The unity these so-called feminists preach about is not a march to freedom. Rather, it is about fitting into their little pre-formed and quite rigid boxes of who and what women should be, all according to their agenda. And, it would seem there are puppet masters in the shadows further manipulating their movement so that such anti-woman and anti-freedom ideas as Sharia Law are being floated as somehow pro-feminist. What???

Well, I am not going to buy into their false news narrative. I am a free woman. I was raised by a free woman. I raised two free women. They are now raising five free girls . . . and one rather outnumbered (but still free) boy. We are supported in our choices by strong men. My mother was a stay-home wife and mother. I was a stay-home wife and mother. One of my daughters has opted to be a stay-home wife and mother. My other daughter is a wife and mother who also works outside the home. We are ALL working women ‘cause making a comfortable home for a husband and family is a lot of work.

Most of the women I know are also wives and mothers. Some work only at home, some also have jobs outside the home, and some work from home at additional careers. Many have hobbies, pets, animals, church, charities, and other demands upon their time. They are in a constant state of juggling their calendar to meet the needs of all those around them. They do not often get to take a day off. Even their days off, weekends or vacations are filled with the care of themselves and others.

Why do we do it? While I cannot answer for all women, I can answer for me and I think I am not that different from many other women I know.

Why do I do it? Mostly out of love. Love for my husband. Love for our children and our grandchildren. Love for our animals. Love for our home. Love for our property. Love for quilting. Love of cooking. I find much to love in my life and it brings me great joy. Why would I want to take a day off from all that I love and enjoy?

I think women like me are the real feminists. The truly liberated women of the world. We have found what we love, we do what we love, and we don’t give a dang about what others think of our choices. I am truly free to be me. And, I do not mind giving a measure of the credit to the man I love, my husband, who has very much made it possible by all the ways he supports me in doing what I do.

Perhaps this is the difference between most of the women I know and the Progressive feminists that are constantly bitching in the news: love. The shrill screechers always being shown in media seem to ever be focused on hate and dissatisfaction. At times it seems there is nothing they approve of or enjoy.

Well, I want to give a shout-out to the women who enjoy their lives. Who love their choices. The women who happily started a load of laundry this morning. The mothers who fed their kids and got them off to school with a hug. The wives who kissed their husbands as they left for work. The women who took donuts or cookies to share with their co-workers. The ladies going out to lunch at a favorite restaurant. The girls planning a get-together for after work to celebrate a friend’s promotion, engagement, or pregnancy. The homemakers who are planning tonight’s dinner. The working gals who are giving themselves a break and picking up a pizza on the way home. These are the women who really get what International Women’s Day means.

It means another day when women can choose to be who they want to be. Another day we can be wives, mothers, daughters, workers, friends, citizens, homemakers, or a combination of as many of the options as we desire. We are American women. We already have rights. We exercise them each and every day. We don’t have to listen to a group of disgruntled women who seem to be too ignorant to realize it.blockquote>


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