Monday, February 06, 2017

The oozing hatred from the Stepford Americans

David Merrick writes at Canada Free Press,
If you have a high school education or even just what’s left of a functional brain, you should know that when you start calling people names your argument has run out of gas. The expressed complaints of these 2016 losers are logically bankrupt.

But we are less than two weeks into President Trump’s first term, and the gush of pure and unvarnished HATRED is only beginning to ooze. The unobservant of either political bent are dismissing all the current protest and rancor as the standard expressions of dissatisfaction shown by either side after their horse loses. But what we are seeing now is not at all the typical hostility of sore losers. What is going on right now is just downright weird-into-evil. And the shots currently being fired at Trump - both the hateful insults as well as the death threats - are unprecedented in the history of our nation.

...The list of this nutty garbage is endless - I’m sure most all of my readers can cite amazing anti-Trump stuff they’ve seen and heard themselves.

But what is so telling is that the venom spewing from these ‘protesters’ is senseless - yet it is uniform. It is all generally including verbiage like, “Trump is a homophobe, xenophobe, islamaphobe, sexist, misogynist, racist, , etc. etc.!!!!” - while the facts show that he is none of that and certainly no more odious than his democrat competition (and in saying that, I am being breathtakingly generous to Hillary). Everyone is nevertheless reciting the identical, hateful accusations in perfect chorus and without any qualification.

...The tv which has incited this riot has become a big parent to the generations who were left in its care while mom fixed dinner or both mom and dad regularly joined them in that anesthesia. And the millennials have watched their parents model every category of behavior from the carefully engineered dramas and sitcoms that have so absorbed them. Daily, night-after-night, for so many years it has been the running lecturn in nearly every household in America. If you are a conservative Christian, you didn’t get that from Comedy Central. It’s there by the grace of God and perhaps some good parenting. And that is why it is useless to argue with liberal Americans. You are not arguing with rational people. To the zombies of tv-land you are saying fearfully unpopular things that run counter to today’s most respected mentor, the liberal media/entertainment industry.

As Mr. Trump begins his work, three things are very obvious:

He is beholden to no one other than we Americans,
He intends to keep his word and make this deal WORK, and
He is not at all ‘in this for the money’ as many morons have chanted.

Our last president couldn’t stop lavishing himself with golf, and, himself and his family, with goodies and five-star retreats. Donald Trump, as his opening moves have shouted, has had all that life from money he earned himself - so he is NOT out to live large at the taxpayers’ expense. Trump is coming right out of the chute, after an evening’s ‘DeploraBall’ of comparatively modest celebration, and getting right down to business. And he is hated simply because the mesmerized masses have been given the order to “HATE TRUMP”. Period.

And that’s why, before this election, we have never had people lighting themselves on fire, or big newspaper reporters calling for the death of our president, or any other of the madness we’ve seen of late. The robotic mob that the money-hungry media has helped an Obama and his handlers build for a Hillary Clinton has now been assigned the task of defusing and silencing a very dangerous (to them) PRESIDENT Donald Trump. It’s because President Trump could be the voice that God might use in undoing the demonic grip a very real devil has had on this nation and the watching world. And, unlike today’s Christian ‘silent majority’ here in America, satan doesn’t give up an inch of ground apart from a fight. And neither does he play by the rules.
Read more here.
Dave Merrick, is an internationally known and published artist whose works reach into the greatest diversity of audiences. Known primarily for his astoundingly lifelike portraiture, Merrick’s drawings and paintings grace the walls of an impressive array of well-known corporate and private clientele. Many of his published wildlife pieces have become some of America’s most popular animal imagery.

He has more original work in the Pro-Rodeo Hall of Fame than any other artist. His wildlife and Southwestern-theme work is distributed internationally through Joan Cawley Galleries of Scottsdale AZ.

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