Sunday, February 19, 2017

Replacing curses with prayers

Gerard Vanderleun at American Digest shares with us how he is trying to replace curses with prayers. He ends his thoughts with a link to Melania Trump who talks about a nation committed to a "greater civility." "My husband is creating a country of great safety and prosperity."

1 comment:

  1. I listened to an old pastor who related a tale about a tractor he had on his place that had a nasty habit of breaking down. He had a neighbor on the ranch next fence over who would come and fix it for him, but all the while he was turning the wrench would mutter phrases such as God damn tractor!" and such.

    After a year or two of this one day when the tractor needed fixing the fellow was over there working on it and he said that same phrase again. Not wanting to anger the neighbor the pastor just said, "Heck Jim, we're trying to fix it, not damn it to hell."

    Prayers never hurt and cussing never helps.
