Wednesday, February 01, 2017

"it drove us to the polls, quietly and without fanfare, like assassins in the night."

Warden writes,
...As someone who has been following politics since high school, I tend not to trust my own instincts what the average voter thinks. I'm simply to close to the subject. My wife, however, is a fairly low-key traditionalist who doesn't care to immerse herself in that world and so I use her as my political weather vane.

And so I knew that there was a storm brewing when she snapped down her phone over breakfast one day after reading Facebook and told me how sick and tired she was of her friends' political posts.

"When they say those things," she fumed, "they're talking about our family."

"I'm so sick and tired of being told that I'm a bad person because I disagree with someone's position on abortion or transgender bathrooms. Who do they think they are to tell everyone what they're required to believe?"

The hurt had turned to anger and quiet resolve.

The left sought to reprimand the right. What they did was alienate it. Their social media echo chamber only served to steel conservative misgivings about Donald Trump, if for no other reason than we simply couldn't abide by being pushed around for another 4-8 years.

It's one thing to know that your friends disagree with you. It's another to realize that they think you're stupid, uneducated, a bigot, bully, sexist, jerk and everything that's wrong with the world.

It's then that you realize that it's not just the institutional left that yearns to place its boot on your neck, it's your left-wing neighbors, friends, coworkers and even family. When you see attacks on regular citizens cheered and reinforced by people on Facebook, your worldview changes radically.

You can no longer believe that they don't really understand what they're voting for. It becomes clear that they do--they're voting to turn you into a second class citizen, an "other" who is not due the same rights and courtesies as their exalted tribe of Right Thinkers.

We loathed Obama and all the Marxist cockroaches surrounding him. Now we were beginning to loathe his supporters.

Donald Trump had exposed the press for the lying, shameless partisan hacks that they are. But social media exposed the soft left, the formerly passive Democrat party support.

This is why the left never saw it coming. They took over public spaces and shouted down the opposition with personal attacks. Horrified conservatives withdrew from engagement, but we didn't disappear.

We seethed with resentment and contempt.

And it drove us to the polls, quietly and without fanfare, like assassins in the night.

The left still doesn't know what hit him. They're still too busy screeching, insulting, protesting, rioting, and trying to manipulate the rules to ask the simple question: Why?

I'll tell you why. We see you. We see what you've become. And we're not having what you've been dishing out any longer.
Read more here.
My apologies to Warden. I had originally thought this piece was written by Oregon Muse, and gave him credit.

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