Thursday, February 09, 2017

How does it feel to be the new Jim Crow victims?

Bookworm writes,
Exactly two months ago, I put up my first post arguing that consumers shouldn’t stop at boycotting Kellogg’s, which said that Breitbart’s support for Donald Trump was so awful they were going to stop advertising there. Instead, I argued, consumers should also boycott all of the purveyors of goods or services, not just Kellogg’s, who refused to advertise at Breitbart’s. When I started this campaign, which I called #BoycottTheBoycotters, 193 companies had pledged to do everything within their power to ensure that their goods and services would no longer appear at Breitbart. In intervening two months, another 743 companies have agreed that you are so awful because you support Trump that they don’t want you to buy their goods and services.

If you think about it, the last time that Americans merchants decreed that certain people were so awful merchants couldn’t be expected to sell to or serve them was during the Jim Crow era. Blacks were not welcome in hotels, at restaurants, in markets, on buses, in movie theaters, or any other places that Southern racists — or weak-minded people bullied by Southern racists — determined should be “whites only.” Sixty years later, we have almost one thousand companies announcing loud and clear that half the American population is so evil and hate-filled that they, like those Southern blacks, must be denied access to the marketplace.

I don’t know about you, but I find that pretty darn offensive. I don’t want to give my money to people who think I’m so evil that they won’t even touch my money.

But you know what? It’s bigger than that. I’m damn tired of a world in which Democrats keep trying to fix every one into little boxes. During the Democrats’ racism heyday, from Andrew Jackson’s ferocious support for slavery to the South’s efforts to marginalize and economically destroy blacks, Democrats consistently broke people down into derogatory racial groups. Heck,they even devised derogatory sub-racial groups. It’s only been fifty years since Democrats were as offended by “mulattos” and “quadroons” as they were by full-blooded “nigras.”

...Now, rather than boycotting blacks, the Democrats tell blacks that they, the Democrats, are the only ones who love the blacks — a love they show by immuring them in Democrat-run ghettos and promising them that this abuse is love — and then encourage the blacks (and Hispanics, and Asians, and LGBTQRSTUV’s, and women) to isolate everyone else. The results are surprisingly similar to those of Jim Crow: minorities are labeled, marginalized (except in election years) and economically destroyed.

Frightened, or weak-minded, merchants might want to look at what happened to Marvel and DC comics before they yield to the Left’s demands. You see, in the past few years, Marvel and DC succumbed to the SJWs’ insistence that they repackage their product to shill for SJW causes. Having done so, they discovered that, while SJWs are great at bullying, they didn’t actually buy comic books. Those few who might have bought the new, PC comics still didn’t do so in sufficient numbers to offset the old, stalwart customers who either withdrew in disgust when they found politics invading their pleasant fantasy worlds or who found these sensitive, politically-correct, victim-category superheroes boring.

It’s one thing to refuse service to someone who is an imminent threat or who walks into a Jewish restaurant in full Nazi regalia. It’s another thing to insist that a President whose politics hark all the way back to 1995 or so (the Bill Clinton heyday) is so evil that anyone who votes for him needs to be isolated and destroyed — which is precisely what they’re saying when they refuse to advertise at outlets directed at YOU the conservative voter, or YOU the Trump Democrat, or YOU the person who just likes to read a broad range of things.

Anyway, here’s that list of 936 retailers, cities, service providers, and educational institutions that have announced that you are a bad person. They’re not even sending you to the back of the bus. They’re kicking you off.
Go here to see the businesses that are boycotting you, and read some more from Bookworm.

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