Wednesday, January 04, 2017


Kurt Schlichter writes at Town Hall,
The powerful hashtag #TheResistance has become a rallying cry for the frustrated grad students, snarky hipsters, and trustafarian millennials who make up the “We’re 24 and Oh So Smart” wing of the Democrat Party. Using it is the kind of hardcore, meaningful symbolism that will galvanize Americans to once again recognize how important it accept Gaia’s will that urban liberals rule over us. After all, typing #BringOurGirlsHome at the end of earnest tweets totally saved those Nigerian children kidnapped by … uh, … people who were not at all motivated by any particular religion and to say different just shows you’re an Islamophobe.

Yes, as America succumbs to the fascist Nazi badness of Donald Trump, who is totally a fascist Nazi bad guy because the words “fascist” and “Nazi” apparently now mean “Anyone I think is bad,” it’s clear that it is members of #TheResistance who will lead the way in effectively and meaningfully opposing our 45th President, Donald J. Trump (Oh, typing that still feels so good).
Schlichter then spends some time interviewing members of #TheResistance. Read those interviews here.

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