Thursday, December 01, 2016


Ace writes,
The left is determined to pressure all corporations to join them in the culture war, and most corporate personnel -- being largely socially liberal anway, and viewing compliance with the left's demands to be the path of least resistance-- tend to sign up to be part of the Left's Social Justice Army.

...The left is a bully, the right is a patsy who will go along with anything, including its own denigration.

...But we should use the same tactic -- if you defy us, we will punish you economically.

We will change the incentive scheme: It will no longer be the case that you can give in to every leftist demand without negative consequence.

We will start imposing consequences on you for doing so.

The left has demanded Kellogg's stop advertising on Breitbart, Kellogg's has eagerly joined the leftist army.
Ace links to John Hinderaker at PowerLine, who writes,
The AP helpfully explains:

Breitbart has been condemned for featuring racist, sexist and anti-Semitic content.

Really? Condemned by whom? For what? The AP ritually recites these allegations against the site without citing any evidence whatsoever. The claims are false, if not ridiculous. But readers who rely on America’s daily newspapers won’t know this.

...I am not generally a fan of boycotts, but this, like so much else in our civic life, has been a one-way street. Executives at companies like Kellogg need to understand that ours is not a one-party state. For decades, surveys have shown that self-identified conservatives outnumber liberals by a ratio of one and a half to two to one. If Kellogg wants to go out of its way to align itself with a vicious, bullying left-wing minority, fine. But the company should understand that such decisions have consequences. No more Frosted Flakes. No more Fruit Loops. No more Rice Krispies. No more Nutri-Grain.

Ace continues,
How long are we going to play this game where we accept that left can organize boycotts against corporations to forceably (or even not-so-forceably) enlist them in the leftist army in the Culture War, but we are to act "principled" and do nothing as the left continues organizing every institution, media group, and corporation as bases of operation to destroy us?

Kellogg's wants to be a part of their army -- fine. They they are now Enemies and to be treated as such.
Read more here.

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