Thursday, December 22, 2016

Come Let Us Adore Him

Guest post by Suzann Darnall:

While I realize that the election of Donald Trump will not put an end to all the woes in America or the world, I am praying it is a step in the right direction for at least easing the “war” on Christmas a bit and perhaps restoring traditional religious freedoms in America. For far too long there has been a push to silence those of us who would worship as we choose.

America was founded on the principle of religious freedom. Religious freedom has been woven into the very fabric of this nation’s existence. Even before the Pilgrims, there were those who came to this hemisphere through the guidance of the Lord.

In part the First Amendment to the United States Constitution states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; . . .” This in no way declares America a “freedom FROM religion” zone. It says quite clearly that government cannot push a certain religion upon us nor can government stop us from worshipping. Freedom OF religion is a far different thing than some would like it to be believed. And, it is my hope the pendulum swings back in favor of we who would exercise this most basic American freedom.

I am in hopes that the tolerance being preached at us so often from the Progressives will now include tolerating Christians, as well as others. That Christmas trees, manger scenes, crosses, the Bible, and other such Christian symbols will not be singled out for vilification as they have been for far too long.

I believe a series of events has been in play for thousands of years to bring about the creation of a nation where freedom of religion could, would, and should be a reality. There were those who migrated here from ancient lands prior to the birth of Christ. Then, the European migrations, particularly those seeking religious freedom from England. The American revolutionary war was fought to create a nation based on freedoms and rights, including freedom of religion. The Civil War was fought to spread the equality and freedom to all men. And, so it has been throughout America’s history. Wars, protests, and a continuous march forward to preserve not only our rights and freedoms, but those of other lands as well. So, why should we let a vocal, intolerant few here at home strive to tear our first freedom from us?

Americans do not need government permission to worship as we will. That is a God-given right. But, we do need government protections of that right so we may put it into practice. We need to be allowed to gather in peace and safety. We need to be allowed to read the books we choose, including scriptures, without restrictions. We need to have the same tolerance for our religious displays as we are forced to have for others’ secular displays.

So, I say, as in the words of the hymn, “Come let us adore Him”. Allow Christians the freedom that is guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. The freedom that American military have fought and died to defend and extend. God bless America! And, merry Christmas!!!
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