Friday, November 11, 2016

This is no time to let up!

So what should our stance be with those we defeated in the 2016 election? Tom Trinko writes at American Digest,
Some people are calling for "reconciliation" after Trump's election. Some even say that Hillary shouldn't be prosecuted.

The reality is that if we allow liberals to constantly misuse government power and break the law with no consequences, they will never stop. Like little children, they need a spanking to keep them in line.

President Trump should set up a special prosecutor to dig up all the government workers, from Hillary on down, who used government power to further tyranny.

People like Lois Lerner, who used the full power of the IRS to silence voices that disagreed with her political leanings, should not just be able to retire and collect a pension.

So long as liberals know they can misuse the power of government and get away with it, they will continue to wage war against the American people while being paid by the American people.

Hillary has to be tried for her pay for play schemes and her imperilment of national security. It's un-American for one set of laws to apply to citizens, like the Marine who was thrown out of the Corps because he sent a classified message on unclassified email in order to save lives, and another to people who are in power.

...During the Obama years, we've seen case after case of the government either ignoring court orders or congressional requests or slow-rolling them, saying they'll produce all of Hillary's emails by 2020, for example. If the government employees involved knew they faced immediate firing for such behavior, it would be much harder for corrupt politicians like Obama to get their minions to abuse government power.

We need to strike fear in the hearts of all government workers. They need to know that if they intentionally abuse their power, they face serious negative consequences – just as citizens know that if they break the law, they face consequences.
Read more here.

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