Saturday, November 19, 2016

"They are afraid - even petrified, Trump will be a good, even great president!"

Roger L. Simon writes,
What we have been witnessing since the election of Donald Trump is nothing short of a national nervous breakdown the likes of which I have never seen. This breakdown is happening almost exclusively on the left, the losing side, again in a manner never seen. I have lived through many elections in which the right lost and never saw anything roughly equivalent on their part—no endless protests in the streets, no hug-ins on campuses, no cancellations of tests and classes as if there had been an 8.2 earthquake followed by a tsunami, etc. Even on the left, the protests have been within bounds. This time, however, they are endless, egged on by many in the media and in our universities and schools, including, most abominable of all, K-12.

The rap is that this all stems from the nature of Donald Trump—the racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, etc., etc.

Nonsense. That is what the shrinks call "the presenting complaint"—and not just because calling Trump a sexist when he contested Hillary Clinton, who enabled, actually justified, her husband's behavior inside the White House and out, or homophobic, even though Trump was pro-gay marriage back in 1998-99, almost fifteen years before Obama and Clinton "evolved" on the question, and was the first to have an "out" gay man (Peter Thiel) speak at a national convention won't wash. (There's more but I won't bother.)

No, there's something far more important going on than the usual racism, sexism, yaddayaddayadda. Consciously or not, the left— liberals, progressives, call them what you or they will—are afraid, even petrified, Trump will be a good, possibly great president. (He's not doing badly right now.) That would call to question everything they had ever thought and result in personality disintegration and loss of self. They wouldn't know who they were. It would be a wound to their (self-promotion alert) moral narcissism the likes of which they have never experienced.

So they are acting out on all fronts and this highly neurotic, intermittently violent behavior is apt to continue for a long time. (Just think how they'll react if the lives of African-Americans actually improve under Trump.) The media too will be looking to justify their bias as never before. To do otherwise might make them face the "remote possibility" that there could, in reality, be something wrong with them and the way they go about their work.
Roger concludes with some ideas for Thanksgiving. Read more here.

1 comment:

  1. Anything that can make the left quiver in their safe spaces is okay with me.
