Sunday, November 27, 2016

Some theories about voter fraud

The next topic Bookworm takes up is voter fraud.
...Part One of my universal theory is that Obama won in 2012 because he had two advantages over Romney: (1) a superb “get out the vote” infrastructure in urban areas and (2) in those same urban areas, a superb “get out the illegal vote” infrastructure. This second machine reached out to all the urban illegal immigrants, dead voters, felons, and unregistered or irresponsible millennials — that is, all the people who make up the Democrat cohort and who would vote heavily in urban pockets during federal elections, if they could vote legally, if they weren’t dead, or if they weren’t sitting around in a pot haze and clinging to their safe spaces.

I think this poster gives an idea of the kind of voters I mean:

...You see, this year it turned out that the candidates weren’t fighting for control over urban voters, which the Dems have locked up both legally and illegally. Instead, they were fighting for control over the entire nation of voters . . . and the Democrats had never bothered to put either legal or illegal “get out the vote” systems in place in non-urban America. Trump, however through his rhetoric, and through his orthodox Jewish son-in-law’s smarts, reached the formerly sleeping red counties, not through fraud, but through messaging that roused them from their torpor.

And this theory explains why Obama managed to win in 2012 and why, no matter how many recounts Soros and Clinton channel through Jill Stein, Trump will still win in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Very simply, the Dems copied their 2012 strategy and didn’t bother to gin up a new batch of fraudulent voters.

Now, having put forth my silly but satisfying theory, please feel free to go to town shredding it!
Read more here.

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