Friday, November 11, 2016

Emotional infants

Karl Denninger writes,
...If you are in a meltdown because Hillary lost then you're unfit to adult. You're unfit to hold a job. You're unfit to evaluate the cost of credit to buy a car -- or a house. You're unfit to choose what to eat, or to evaluate various options for treatment of a medical condition. You're unfit to carry on the daily requirements of living on your own, independently, making your own decisions and being responsible for them -- including voting.

You are in fact an emotional infant, no older than 2. You are throwing a crybully tantrum, exactly as a 2 year old does when their parent refuses to give them the second bite of chocolate they want. And if you are in fact older than 2 by more than a few years the responsibility for your frail emotional state is on you, not someone else. To the extent you stuck that tantrum out in public where others can see it they are perfectly within their rights to deduce that you're unemployable, you're emotionally unstable and thus you're unsafe to be around in any capacity.
Read more here.

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