Tuesday, November 22, 2016


Return of the Kings writes,
the Cultural Marxists, SJW’s, and their globalist overlords have no intention of coming to terms or engaging in meaningful self-reflection anytime soon. Instead, they’re doubling down on everything that voters resoundingly rejected on November 8th.

...Learning nothing, the regressive leftists taking to the streets, complete with their Year Zero pathology, think themselves morally justified in blocking streets and attacking people, because they’re on a mission to purify society. Anything that stands in the way of that mission can be justly eliminated.

...Because the term “alt-right” is relatively fresh, it’s vulnerable to being defined with the most ominous, dark terms possible, which is why the media is trying furiously to create as much connective tissue between it and “white nationalism” as possible. Remember, with word-thinking, nuance and context are lost.

And now that this first step has been achieved where it was meant to, the self-anointed moral cover for the more alarming stage of the counteroffensive is underway. Now that the ambiguous and ominous-sounding “alt-right” has been attempted to be extensively defined, the solution is obviously to crack down on it and anyone having to do with it (even if they really don’t). Given this pretext, the purges and censorship have begun, with numerous prominent Twitter accounts being suspended. Agree with these accounts or not (I often don’t), it should give you pause that this kind of blanket censorship is being implemented. If you’re just a little bit politically unorthodox, you’re now at heightened risk of being slapped with the “alt-right” label (even if you’re on record as not identifying with it) and banned from outlets of communication that are both vital for pushing your ideas forward and for promoting any business you have.

But banning individuals is only stage one. Stage two is the recent drive by Google, Facebook, Twitter, and others to censor what they call “fake news.” The media has been on a blitz against these “fake news” articles, completely unironically given that this is the same crowd that uncritically signal boosted the Rolling Stone rape hoax to the ends of the world, “fact checks” Donald Trump’s comment that Hillary Clinton “acid washed” her private email server, selectively edits clips to promote the narrative that their pets in “Black Lives Matter” are entirely peaceful when they aren’t, and fails to disclose contacts and relationships with officials of the Democratic National Committee while writing about the campaign.

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