Tuesday, October 18, 2016

"We have free speech in Canada, but only between consenting adults."

Canadian David Warren writes,
We have free speech in Canada, but only between consenting adults.

He asks the question,
Why do people want what they don’t want?

The advertising agencies (which work with equal enthusiasm on commercial and political products) know this. It is why Democrats and Liberals exist. It is why products that are obviously not good for any conceivable environment are sold as “ecological” and “organic.” It is why new subdivisions are called “Mountainview” when there is no mountain in sight. Or, “Meadowview” when they are in the heart of an asphalt jungle. It is why politicians, who advocate schemes that will bankrupt the polity, recommend them as “investments in the future.” The trick is to remind people of what they really want, while substituting something the client really wants to sell.
Read more here.

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