Thursday, October 13, 2016

Unsheathing the knives

Porter writes at the Kakistocracy Glog,
...a phalanx of you leap on 11 year-old pretext to withdraw support and demand the nominee step down a month from the election. You could have observed the obvious: that far greater concerns are at issue in this election than antique machismo. Or you could have simply said “no comment.” Instead you unsheathed the knives.

...But you didn’t stab Trump in the back. Just as it wasn’t him you originally surrendered to. It was millions of republican voters who took your blade. Win or lose, Donald will remain an aging playboy plutocrat fully-insulated from the malign globalism he was nominated to combat. Your constituents–unlike your donors and patrons–do not enjoy that felicitous buffer of 10-figure wealth. They are who you have betrayed, not him. It is their values you have defecated upon while sententiously droning about your own. And if God grants man memory beyond the end of his nose, I pray they never forget.

Some neocon pundits, politicians, and pilotfish have announced to the interest of absolutely no one that they can not share a party with Trump’s plurality base. I imagine more will follow. None of you will be missed.
Read more here.

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