It already seems like a lifetime ago that MachadoGate and Lewd-Comments-on-the-Bus-Gate appeared on the political scene and, according to all news sources, derailed the Trump candidacy. Little did we know that a few days later, the Trump campaign would be dealt yet another setback -- only this time by a cadre of women parading around the alphabet stations with sudden flashbacks of memory that conveniently materialized just a few weeks before the election. According to the punditry and press, the Trump campaign has received a death blow from which it cannot recover. Clinton is president!Read more here.
For anyone paying attention to presidential campaigns, this could hardly be a surprise -- after all, it is October and our opponent is the party of “win at all costs.” While imbecilic Republicans bicker and snicker about Trump, Democrats will, once again, coalesce around Hillary despite their competing coalitions. Republicans are stuck in the quagmire of who killed the GOP and who is a more principled conservative, while the Democrats work with their media comrades and perfect their ground game. How do they do it? By dangling distractions with the one hand that Republicans fall for every time, while working their election magic with the other hand.
...It is the sweeping repudiation of the Democrat-Media Complex with its corruption, collusion, and revolving door between Democrat candidates like Hillary, the White House, the DOJ, the IRS, the press, the academy, the 1%, the think tanks, Wall Street, the Occupy and Black Lives Movements, the unions, the community organizers, and the entire Democrat Party apparatus.
It is a gigantic body slam against the brutal tactics the left employs every election -- regardless of who the candidate is and what his/her credentials may be -- tactics deployed to seek and destroy the opponent at all costs using falsehoods that are shamelessly disseminated because the ends justifies the means.
This election is a referendum against the very kind of unbalanced treatment of the candidates we see unfolding right now, where the only news featured is Trump’s sexual misconduct. Anyone with a passing interest in the election tuning into the MSM for an update has no idea about Hillary’s history, her transgressions, or her incompetence. They will not know about her intentional destruction of emails that belong to the People, her illegal server, her lies to the FBI, her negligence in Benghazi, or how she destroyed the women who, in her own words, deserve to be heard, how she mocked stay-at-home moms who like to bake cookies, let alone how she portrayed a little girl who was raped as the predator, then laughed about it. Some champion of women and children.
This is a referendum against the press looking the other way as far as Hillary Clinton goes, while perseverating on the foibles of Trump; against the kind of mean-spirited, scorched earth tactics employed by the left that always emerge in the final weeks before the election. It doesn’t matter if the lies are about tax returns, salacious affairs, Air National Guard, DUIs, women in binders, dogs on roofs, or illegally obtained tape recordings from private events. This is how it always goes.
And the little guys have had enough -- and they aren’t just men, they aren’t just white, and they aren’t just the working class whose jobs have been displaced. They are legion and span the demographic spectrum. The Democrats aren’t worried about winning. They’re worried about the backlash and they should be.
Trump is the second phase of a freedom-based-on-constitutional-governance-movement whose genesis started with the Tea Party. Even though Trump is not a Tea Party candidate and Tea Partiers generally did not support him in the primaries, they want many of the same things -- restoring liberty, law and order; returning to constitutional governance and limited government; and unleashing the power of free markets.
The Tea Party had a tough time getting press attention; Donald does not. He might stink as a candidate. His character might be less than worthy. But he is and was the only guy on the debate stage willing to say what needs to be said, offering to do what needs to be done, speaking on behalf of those who have been silenced by the left’s own version of intolerance, bullying, and political correctness. He’s got our six and he’s unafraid.
The two-party system has already been irretrievably corrupted with bugs and malware. No matter what we say, no matter what buttons we push, nothing will change. The only fix is a virus and it just so happens, Trump is the virus. But it could have been anyone -- as long as he or she would call out the double standards and refuse to cower or capitulate when attacked by self-righteous pundits, haranguing journalists, rabid Democrats, or scaredy-cat Republicans.
This blog is looking for wisdom, to have and to share. It is also looking for other rare character traits like good humor, courage, and honor. It is not an easy road, because all of us fall short. But God is love, forgiveness and grace. Those who believe in Him and repent of their sins have the promise of His Holy Spirit to guide us and show us the Way.
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
"Trump is the second phase of a freedom-based-on-constitutional-governance-movement whose genesis started with the Tea Party."
2016 election,
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