Tuesday, September 27, 2016

"There just isn't time to dump it all at once"

Curt Dale gives us his thoughts about last night.
I watched the debate tonight and will give my quick reaction. I thought Trump did quite well against Hillary. I think he gave her a few pRetty tough blasts, but the pundits seem to think he was too easy on her. True, he didn't follow through with great details as he hit her on the 33,000 emails, but he let her know he was fully willing to go to the mat if necessary. Same for other points, just a quick jab to the gut, and then he danced away. Those pundits seem to think he should have dropped the whole load of manure on her in the first debate. That would have been a poor strategy in my opinion. He has two more debates to scatter the rest of the manure, and i rather expect he will. Her parting shot at the end was low and ill considered with which he turned the tables on her. I think in that final slam she just opened the barn door for him at the next debate. She went forward with her lies and dirt in that last minute. Now the whole raft of scandals is fair refuse for Trump to dump. She tried to be aloof, nice, feminine, likeable, and astute throughout, then she lost it all right at the last. I thought she looked like she was about to go to sleep each time the camera showed her when she wasn't talking, as if totally detached! Then she's rouse up and give some more of her canned comments which were somewaht biting at times, but too often ill timed. Trump showed he wasn't afraid to take her on when he interrupted her and said "wrong" each time she went into the HIL-LIAR-Y mode. And she did get caught with bad facts, while his facts were proving out by the end of the evening.

With the trend in the polls showing Trump pulling ahead in swing states, and the numbers of the many "unscientific polls" showing Trump the winner tonight, I'd say his first time in a one on one debate was amazing. I suspect he's a very quick study, and therefore feel he will have a full measure of her for the next two debates. I expect the rest of that wagonload of manure to be scattered with finesse and accuracy, right on her head. Benghazi, Syria, major dump on server, emails, treatment of women Bill raped or molested, lying to the FBI, ad infinitum. There just isn't time to dump it all at once unless Trump figures out how to dump each scandal with a one-liner.
Colonel Curtis D. Dale, PhD, USAF (Ret)
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