Sunday, September 25, 2016

No Comparison

Bookworm writes today,
We know with certain that President Hillary Clinton will:

Turn the Supreme Court into an activist, hard-Left engine of permanent change;

Narrow the First Amendment to the point of meaninglessness, giving government the final say over who gets free speech (and you can see what this will look like by visiting any college or university in America except for Hillsdale);

Narrow the Second Amendment to the point of meaninglessness, giving government the absolute right to seize all privately held arms;

Grant full amnesty and voting rights to all the illegal aliens already in America;
Abandon any effort at controlling our Southern border;

Continue to turn the American military into a vast social justice and climate change experiment;
Continue to destroy the American economy by (a) funding crony-style climate change initiatives and (b) making it impossible for ordinary Americans to get affordable energy from clean coal, oil, and natural gas;

Raise taxes to pay for her war against the climate;

Deny the existence of Islamic fundamentalism, something exceptionally cruel, not only to non-Muslims killed by Islamists, but to those peaceful Muslims who need someone to partner with them to help bring about an Islamic reformation;

Cultivate her close ties with rich, radical Islamists, aided by Huma Abedin (scion of the Muslim Brotherhood) and by all of her other long-standing Islamic funders;

Turn her back on Israel, a nation she’s always approached with hostility, abandoning it to the Islamic/Arab savagery that surrounds it;

Destroy the last remnants of a free market in America by tightening her cronyist connection to Wall Street and her regulatory control over businesses and individuals;

Be exceptionally vulnerable to blackmail from all those nations that are sitting on her emails, both the 30,000 she destroyed, as well as the ones already in FBI hands;

Continue to divide America by focusing on victim groups in order to retain those groups’ fealty to the Democrat party (as we’ve seen with her recent pandering to the Black Lives Matter movement).
What about Trump?
Donald has promised that he will:

Appoint conservative justices to the Supreme Court;

Look to conservatives for advice about his executive management;

Control our out-of-control bureaucracy (and his management experience indicates that he can do this);

Reinstate enforcement of America’s existing immigration laws and border policies;

Maintain Americans’ right to keep and bear arms;

Maintain Americans’ right to free speech;

Continue to chip away at the mind-control that is political correctness;

Stand by Israel;

Acknowledge that we are at war with radical Islam and turn to the best minds to help us wage that war successfully;

Speak to all Americans, not just special-interest groups.

Trump will be an imperfect president, but all presidents are imperfect. Even Ronald Reagan, in his heyday, did stupid things or things that his supporters disliked. It is inconceivable, though, that Trump could ever be as destructive as Hillary most certainly will be.

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