Thursday, September 01, 2016


Reading blogs? Always include Bookworm Room on your list. She has outdone herself today with a comprehensive look at Black America.
The set-up for black violence in America is Democrat-run urban enclaves that have doubled-down on policies that ensure (a) fatherless families; (b) no work (e.g., high minimum wage laws); (c) absentee police; and (d) the inability of law-abiding citizens to defend themselves. (Regarding that last point, statistical data shows that the single best way to reduce crime is to allow law-abiding citizens to have guns. It turns out that predators prefer hunting prey when that prey cannot protect itself. Predators are mean, but they’re neither stupid nor suicidal.)

Democrat leadership (both white and black) has recently embarked upon a movement that has worsened the crime levels black communities face. I speak, of course, of the Black Lives Matter (“BLM”) movement. Despite compelling data showing that police, given similar circumstances, are less likely, not more likely to shoot blacks than they are to shoot whites, and that police are at greater risk from black men than black men are at risk from police, BLM has used hysterical lies to as a way to infest America’s most troubled inner cities.

...A sure way to destroy low-income jobs is to have unlimited immigration, drastically increasing pressure at the low end of the economic scale. This pressure is made worse by illegal aliens, who take payments under the table that are far below what employers can legally pay legal employees. Blacks are hurt most by the pressure of unlimited legal and illegal immigration, yet the Democrat party aggressively supports importing a new generation of slaves into America, just as, in the 19th century, it supported the old, black generation of slaves. Even as blacks unthinkingly give their complete allegiance to the Democrat party, that same party is already lining up their replacements.

...Police, more than any other group in America, are responsible for making sure that black lives really do matter because they guard the most dangerous neighborhoods, keeping predators away from law-abiding citizens and helpless children. Yet the Democrats, both black and white, have thrown all their weight behind the Black Lives Movement, without regard to the fact that the movement has resulted in spiraling crime in black communities.

A community that aborts more children than it allows to live is a death cult and a dying community. Yet the Democrats, both black and white, even as they endlessly mouth the piety that “black lives matter,” also work hard to ensure that abortion without limitation (or even protection for the woman having the procedure) continues to be available, especially in black communities.
Read much more here.

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