Sunday, August 14, 2016

Mocking Catholics

Have you heard about the "black mass" Satanists plan to conduct on August 15 in Oklahoma City? Dan Bergin reports for ICN,
Archbishop Paul Coakley of Oklahoma City has called the faithful to prayer as a Satanist group prepares to conduct a 'Black Mass' at the city's Civic Center later today (August 15).

The ceremony, deliberately timed for the Feast of the Assumption, (celebrated on Monday in the US) will reportedly include insults to the Virgin Mary as well as mockery of the Catholic liturgy. The ceremony will be led by Dastur Adams Daniels, a registered sex offender who says that he is "doing the Devil's work."

In a report by the Catholic News Agency, Archbishop Coakley urged Christians to gather at a Unity Prayer Service and Walk on August 15 at 6pm. The event will begin at the Jesus Wept Statue of Saint Joseph's Old Cathedral and end at the United Methodist First Church for a Christian prayer service.

"In response to this blasphemous event, and the many other acts of hatred and violence happening in our world in recent weeks, I am encouraging the faithful and people of good will to pray together for healing and peace, and for the Lord to watch over our community and protect us from evil and its many destructive and violent manifestations," Coakley told CNA.

"I also ask that we pray for the conversion of this man and for all who have not yet come to know the Lord of Life," the Archbishop added.

Cardinal Raymond Burke has also expressed his sadness and shock at the news. He will be celebrating a special Mass for the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and encourages the faithful to pray the Rosary on the day.

A petition to the City authorities calling for the event to be cancelled has raised more than 110,000 signatures.

1 comment:

  1. I have a lot of respect for Catholics --mainly because of Aquinas and Anselm and St Augustine. It could be that the aspects of their history of making schools and hospitals and other such things also has impressed me. The thing I am not happy with is worship of a person. But even they seem quite aware of the problem and try to defend Divine Simplicity much more than Protestants. In any case there is a lot to admire there.
    Nowadays however something seems be be out of balance with the present day pope.
