Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Is it okay to want to be happy?

Is it okay to want to be happy? Seems like a ridiculous question. Jennifer Dukes Lee asks and answers it at A Holy Experience.
When we engage in a holy pursuit of happiness, we aren’t ignoring the pain of the world. We are refusing to give in to it.

Yeah, happiness is a feeling. But quite often, it’s a decision.

And when we decide to fight for happiness—fists to the sky—we are beating down the enemy. We are healing the wound in the world. And we are, in the end, making a public case for the One who is the Source of all our happiness.Tomorrow, it may rain again. It may seem that the sky offers only tears.

But because of Jesus, we will be the ones who wait for the sun, who point to the sky, who tell the others, “Look! Look! The light is coming!”
Read more here.

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