Thursday, August 18, 2016

Donald Trump's "law and order" speech

Bookworm writes today about the "law and order" speech Donald Trump gave in Wisconsin.
Thanks to a little personal chaos, I arrived late to hearing Donald Trump’s “law and order” speech, which is really more accurately entitled a “Dear African-Americans, please get off the grim, crime-ridden, paranoid Democrat plantation and step out into the light as a free citizen in a free country.” It’s a doozy of a speech, saying in explicit terms what every American, especially every Black American, should hear.

Incidentally, because of that slight personal chaos in my life, I almost missed the speech entirely. The MSM swiftly buried it as if it had never happened. I think each of us who cares about America, and who cares that America’s opportunities be extended to all individuals, not just wealthy Democrat cronies, must remind voters that Hillary’s politics are a dead-end. Truly a dead-end, in that they lead us to a fetid, locked-off alley, choked with crime and poverty.

Anyway, here’s the speech, in which Trump reaches out explicitly to the African-American community, detailing the wrongs done to them under generations of Democrat governance and promising them that they will be treated with the same respect accorded people in peaceful suburbs — that is, the law-abiding will be honored, not the criminals. My guess is that, even if you don’t like Trump, you’ll still like what he has to say:

And for those who, like me, prefer reading to listening, here’s the official transcript, from which he deviated only slightly:

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