Saturday, June 18, 2016

She soaked her husband's underwear in herbicide!

Kathryn Harkup reports at The Guardian about a woman who tried to poison her husband through his underwear.
Contact poisons, which kill through the skin, have a long history stretching from Greek mythology through to a recent, rather novel, modern attempt.

There is a poisoning cliché of a wife trying to dispose of a husband with a drop of weed killer in the soup, but a woman in China has given the herbicide poisoning plot a new twist.

The straightforward addition of the weed killer to food was perhaps a little too passé for Mrs Zhang, from Hangzhou in Zhejiang province. She allegedly decided to soak her husband’s underpants in paraquat herbicide spay. Once the poison had dried onto the cloth, she apparently presented the pants to her husband for him to wear on their daughter’s wedding day. You may not be surprised to learn that the couple had recently had a row.
Read more here.

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