Monday, June 27, 2016

Can we hold a sit-in at the FBI until someone finds her?

At Conservative Review Michelle Malkin writes,
Am I the only one bothered by the fact that the Orlando jihadist’s wife is a missing, AWOL, gone girl?

Where the hell is Noor Salman? Can we hold a sit-in at the FBI until someone finds her?

The keystone cops in Washington admit they lost track of her last week. So what are they doing to hunt her down? Playing Marco Polo in the pool with their eyes closed?

How crazy is this? In America in 2016 you can real-time track your dog, your kid, your iPhone, your luggage, and your Uber driver around the corner.

But the people in charge of homeland security are losing a dangerous game of Ji-hide-y and Seek with the devout Muslim Palestinian woman who chauffeured her radicalized Orlando jihadist husband around as he scoped out massacre locations and shopped for weapons.

Does FBI stand for fumbling, bumbling idiots? Get your shizzle together, please!

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