Of course Mateen was a mentally ill homophobic gay, unfortunate or not. So what? The point is he was a mentally ill homophobic gay who believed in radical Islam. It is radical Islam that gave him the license to kill, indeed urged him to kill with its precepts, all those innocent people. Without radical Islam, they would all be alive today.Read more here.
If every non-Islamic guilty homosexual in America acted out like that, our country would be a charnel house of human remains in every major city and in a state of mass hysteria. It's not. Why not? Radical Islam, to repeat myself, is the missing ingredient. Gays -- guilty and otherwise -- there are plenty.
I imagine if we went to Rakka we would find almost all the ISIS members we met to be mentally ill in some way and certainly homophobic -- and not just because they are throwing gays off buildings, but because it is built into their culture, a culture imitated and admired by Mateen.
...And is this radical Islam in any way sane? By Western standards, not at all, unless you consider lopping off the heads of people of other religions and throwing their women in rape rooms to be normal behavior approved of by the DSM. ISIS leader al-Baghdadi is no less than a religiously motivated serial killer.
"Liberals" don't want to face that much of Islamic society is absolutely off its rocker because that would undermine their absurd lib-prog, morally narcissistic, cultural relativist narrative about the Third World. This would all be funny because, in a certain macabre way, it is, but we are all the butt of this bleak joke. We have to sit there, incredulous, when our own Justice Department, obviously on orders from the top, redacts the transcript of Mateen's 911 call by omitting the references to ISIS and changing what is obviously the word "Allah" to "God." It's hard to decide if the people who do that are stupid or immoral -- probably both. Highly political too, of course. But that's the obvious (and most shameful) part.
Some, like certain State Department personnel and White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest, sound as if they have undergone twenty years of the Stockholm Syndrome when they discuss the topic. In a certain way they have. The insularity of the Obama administration does recapitulate the Stockholm Syndrome in the way it reinforces an entirely dishonest world view.
And then where are we -- innnocent bystanders in this deadly game? What do we do? Are we next?
This blog is looking for wisdom, to have and to share. It is also looking for other rare character traits like good humor, courage, and honor. It is not an easy road, because all of us fall short. But God is love, forgiveness and grace. Those who believe in Him and repent of their sins have the promise of His Holy Spirit to guide us and show us the Way.
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
A deadly game
Roger L. Simon writes at PJ Media,
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